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[Weekly Webinar] Under the Hood with HubSpot

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Springboard is a lean, 90-minute collaborative workshop designed to bust analysis paralysis and help you understand exactly what to do first in order to meet your goals.

Forward Momentum on Demand

The four phases of the springboard approach

Finding your pivot point

During the first phase, we’ll dig into the things that we can’t change.

  • Work that’s already been completed or partially completed
  • Organisational priorities that aren’t shifting
  • The outcomes you need in the near- and long-term

Documenting your successes

In the second phase, we’ll review everything you’ve tried so far and rank them from most to least successful in order to understand:

  • What’s already working well
  • Wins we can build on for greater success
  • What might perform better with more time and greater resources
  • Which ideas are unlikely to deliver a healthy ROI no matter what you try

Ideating new possibilities

We’ll combine all of our strategic capital together to ideate many ideas quickly, and then vote to identify the ideas that are most desirable, feasible, and viable to you. For example:

  • Refreshing your pitch deck
  • Revitalising social channels
  • Positioning your CEO as a thought leader

Prioritizing and executing

We’ll leverage our strategic insight and production experience to put the ideas into an action priority matrix, and then identify the first steps for executing Quick Wins.

Why Bring in a Partner?

  • Our in-house teams have deep insight into their specific areas of competency
  • An outside perspective can give you fresh insight into entrenched challenges. 
  • We’ve tried and tested tens of thousands of solutions across hundreds of clients – we know objectively what has been successful and what hasn't.
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How We Prioritise

We’ll leverage our strategic insight and production experience to put the ideas into an action priority matrix, and then identify the first steps for executing Quick Wins.


How We Execute

By tapping into experts from across our organisation, we can build highly specialised project teams rapidly and start scoring quick wins immediately. 


Salted Stone is an incredible agency that our company has partnered with. They are strategic, helpful and their attention to detail is remarkable ... They set goals and deliver results.

Megan Rogalski

Boxed Water Is Better